10 Semester Goals You Should Consider Having - FutaNewsandGist | Education Website

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As the second semester for the 2018/2019 Academic Calendar had officially begin, we thought you might wanted to take a peek at some of these 10 Semester Goals πŸ™‚

10 Semester Goals

1. Go to Class, early

     We quite understand there might be some cases where something held you up - just like it did the last semester. 
  But in this Semester, try to beat the odds. Make a resolution to come to class early. 

2. Improve Reading Habits 

   How many hours in a week do you often read in the previous semester? This semester, you can improvise on your reading habits.
    Note that improvising might NOT necessarily means increasing the amount of TIME, but it should be INCREASING the Quality of your Reading experience.

Download all FUTA READING MATERIALS from FNG Database

3. Find a Sport - if you got none, yet

   Perhaps now is a good try to look around for a sport to partake. Sporting not only improves your physical appearance but also decrease your chances of Falling Ill or getting easily bored.

     It doesn't have to be FOOTBALL - if you're not good at Football. There are quite other sport activities inside FUTA πŸ‘‰ Table tennis, Athletes, Basketball, Karate, etc.

  Want to Join a Sport but do not know whom to Contact? Join the FutaNewsandGist Whatsapp Group and Ask your Question

4.  Get Plenty of Rest

   According to the findings by Tuham (who's a Futarian), most of the hectic activities usually fall on second semester. The results was shared by @FutaNewsandGist on Twitter

Having now realized this, it is best you take plenty of rest so you can have enough energy to last you through the semester. 
   You can fix a 5hrs good sleep at night and some minutes of nap during daytime. 

5. Make one or two NEW "positive" friends 

  We are all taught in our high school that Human beings are Social higher Animals - made to depend on each other.

   This simply means you do NOT have to carry all of your burden alone, having one or two new friends would surely play a role in making you have a nice time.

   Note- Ensure you watch out for the kind of friends you make, and do NOT forget your old buddies too πŸ˜‰

Did you miss : 6 Beautiful Ways To Prepare For Every New FUTA Semester

6.  Do Not Procrastinate

Many of us resume each semester with so much enthusiasm and dreams of achieving certain things. 

   However one of the things that usually prevents one from achieving those things is Procrastination - putting off till tommorow what you supposed todo today. 
In the new semester, make a resolution to reduce procrastination 

7. Let go of toxic habits and relationships 

Habits die hard 
Letting go is more harder 
 But you have to just do it! 

 If you discovered something is hindering you from achieving your goals, let go of the habits. 
   Life is pretty too short to live a regretful life

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8. Build Confidence

  The way you see yourself is far more important than how the world sees you. You are who you think you are.
   In every new semester, endeavor tor try something new and level up your Confidence! 

  You can revert to No #3 and No #5 hints on this post to get started on building up your confidence. 

9. Develop and Embrace Empathy

  Empathy simply means to identify with the feelings and emotional state of others. It can also be regarded as the ability to understand other people's point of views.

  In today's world, a lot of people are engrossed in themselves. The world is in need of more empathy people in order to make it awesome to live. 

    You can play your part by being there for others around you - who are probably having a hard time due to one ugly incident or the other

How To APPLY for FUTA HOSTEL Accommodation [Guide]

10. Love and Get Along with Yourself 

 There's this popular saying which says πŸ‘‰ In this world when you can be anything - BE YOURSELF.

   Develop on your strong points and do not be ashamed of your weak points. Be proud of yourself and try to get along with who you are.

  Remember your best friend and at the same time, your worse enemy is "the person you see when you look at the mirror"
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And that goes 10 Semester Goals We Think you should try to achieve.

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10 Semester Goals You Should Consider Having

FutaNewsandGist Latest Podcast

As the second semester for the 2018/2019 Academic Calendar had officially begin, we thought you might wanted to take a peek at some of these 10 Semester Goals πŸ™‚

10 Semester Goals

1. Go to Class, early

     We quite understand there might be some cases where something held you up - just like it did the last semester. 
  But in this Semester, try to beat the odds. Make a resolution to come to class early. 

2. Improve Reading Habits 

   How many hours in a week do you often read in the previous semester? This semester, you can improvise on your reading habits.
    Note that improvising might NOT necessarily means increasing the amount of TIME, but it should be INCREASING the Quality of your Reading experience.

Download all FUTA READING MATERIALS from FNG Database

3. Find a Sport - if you got none, yet

   Perhaps now is a good try to look around for a sport to partake. Sporting not only improves your physical appearance but also decrease your chances of Falling Ill or getting easily bored.

     It doesn't have to be FOOTBALL - if you're not good at Football. There are quite other sport activities inside FUTA πŸ‘‰ Table tennis, Athletes, Basketball, Karate, etc.

  Want to Join a Sport but do not know whom to Contact? Join the FutaNewsandGist Whatsapp Group and Ask your Question

4.  Get Plenty of Rest

   According to the findings by Tuham (who's a Futarian), most of the hectic activities usually fall on second semester. The results was shared by @FutaNewsandGist on Twitter

Having now realized this, it is best you take plenty of rest so you can have enough energy to last you through the semester. 
   You can fix a 5hrs good sleep at night and some minutes of nap during daytime. 

5. Make one or two NEW "positive" friends 

  We are all taught in our high school that Human beings are Social higher Animals - made to depend on each other.

   This simply means you do NOT have to carry all of your burden alone, having one or two new friends would surely play a role in making you have a nice time.

   Note- Ensure you watch out for the kind of friends you make, and do NOT forget your old buddies too πŸ˜‰

Did you miss : 6 Beautiful Ways To Prepare For Every New FUTA Semester

6.  Do Not Procrastinate

Many of us resume each semester with so much enthusiasm and dreams of achieving certain things. 

   However one of the things that usually prevents one from achieving those things is Procrastination - putting off till tommorow what you supposed todo today. 
In the new semester, make a resolution to reduce procrastination 

7. Let go of toxic habits and relationships 

Habits die hard 
Letting go is more harder 
 But you have to just do it! 

 If you discovered something is hindering you from achieving your goals, let go of the habits. 
   Life is pretty too short to live a regretful life

Apply Now for MTN SCHOLARSHIP For All Students 

8. Build Confidence

  The way you see yourself is far more important than how the world sees you. You are who you think you are.
   In every new semester, endeavor tor try something new and level up your Confidence! 

  You can revert to No #3 and No #5 hints on this post to get started on building up your confidence. 

9. Develop and Embrace Empathy

  Empathy simply means to identify with the feelings and emotional state of others. It can also be regarded as the ability to understand other people's point of views.

  In today's world, a lot of people are engrossed in themselves. The world is in need of more empathy people in order to make it awesome to live. 

    You can play your part by being there for others around you - who are probably having a hard time due to one ugly incident or the other

How To APPLY for FUTA HOSTEL Accommodation [Guide]

10. Love and Get Along with Yourself 

 There's this popular saying which says πŸ‘‰ In this world when you can be anything - BE YOURSELF.

   Develop on your strong points and do not be ashamed of your weak points. Be proud of yourself and try to get along with who you are.

  Remember your best friend and at the same time, your worse enemy is "the person you see when you look at the mirror"
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And that goes 10 Semester Goals We Think you should try to achieve.

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