Learn 3D Printing For Free With This FUTA IDD WORKSHOP - FutaNewsandGist | Education Website

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3D printing is the process of building a three dimensional object from a computer aided design by adding successively material layer by layer.

How Does 3D Printing Works? 

   You can watch the below video for more details on how it works.

 Learn 3D Printing For Free

If you want to learn 3D Printing and how it works? You can join the practical session by FUTA Industrial Design (IDD) Department.

Learn 3D Printing For Free With This FUTA IDD WORKSHOP

FutaNewsandGist Latest Podcast

3D printing is the process of building a three dimensional object from a computer aided design by adding successively material layer by layer.

How Does 3D Printing Works? 

   You can watch the below video for more details on how it works.

 Learn 3D Printing For Free

If you want to learn 3D Printing and how it works? You can join the practical session by FUTA Industrial Design (IDD) Department.

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