FUTA Warned Students on the Use of Earpieces and other Telecommunication Gadgets. SEE WHY - FutaNewsandGist | Education Website

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The Federal University of Technology, Akure has announced the ban and use of Earpieces or Headset within the Campus Walkway or on Road in the FUTA Community.

Why FUTA Banned the Use of Earpieces 

The misuse of phones, telecommunications, Earpieces and other telecommunication gadgets made FUTA Authorities to warn the students about it MOST ESPECIALLY on Roads and Walkway. 
Futa ban the use of Earpieces
div>   What probably also made the school authorities to take this big step could be related to the incidence of a FUTA Student who was killed by a hit and run vehicle recently.

  It was also added that whosoever did not comply to this new information will have him/herself to blame. 

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FUTA Warned Students on the Use of Earpieces and other Telecommunication Gadgets. SEE WHY

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The Federal University of Technology, Akure has announced the ban and use of Earpieces or Headset within the Campus Walkway or on Road in the FUTA Community.

Why FUTA Banned the Use of Earpieces 

The misuse of phones, telecommunications, Earpieces and other telecommunication gadgets made FUTA Authorities to warn the students about it MOST ESPECIALLY on Roads and Walkway. 
Futa ban the use of Earpieces
div>   What probably also made the school authorities to take this big step could be related to the incidence of a FUTA Student who was killed by a hit and run vehicle recently.

  It was also added that whosoever did not comply to this new information will have him/herself to blame. 

Download the Full Information Here 

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