Utopia STEP UP DESIGN 1.0 : Online Graphics Design Bootcamp and 21st Century Skills - FutaNewsandGist | Education Website

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UTOPIA DESIGN ACADEMY would be holding her first 6 weeks online BootCamp for Graphics Design, Blogging, and FREELANCE.
  This is another opportunity to Learn/upgrade your 21st Experience Skills. 

What you'll Learn from the Utopia BootCamp 

1. Graphics Design 

 Whether you are an Intermediate or Expert, you'll get to learn from Instructors who have vast experience in the field of Graphics design. 

2. Blogging 

 This is not the type of Blogging where you'll slapping in just any contents. The course is basically title Blogging 101 hich is introduction to what Blogging is, how to create one as well as manage it. 

3. Freelancing 

  Want to know what Freelancing is all about and how to get started, the Instructor in charge is in arms waiting for you to devour all your questions and puzzles and mysteries you have about Freelancing 

Meet the Instructors 

21st Century Skills Instructors

How to Join the Utopia Academy BootCamp 

   To join the BootCamp, 
Please pay the amount of #3,000 in the account details below :

Akinbinu Tolulope
 First Bank

and send confirmation to the whatsapp group below:

Contact: 08173488071 or 08130097879 for more details

Utopia STEP UP DESIGN 1.0 : Online Graphics Design Bootcamp and 21st Century Skills

FutaNewsandGist Latest Podcast

UTOPIA DESIGN ACADEMY would be holding her first 6 weeks online BootCamp for Graphics Design, Blogging, and FREELANCE.
  This is another opportunity to Learn/upgrade your 21st Experience Skills. 

What you'll Learn from the Utopia BootCamp 

1. Graphics Design 

 Whether you are an Intermediate or Expert, you'll get to learn from Instructors who have vast experience in the field of Graphics design. 

2. Blogging 

 This is not the type of Blogging where you'll slapping in just any contents. The course is basically title Blogging 101 hich is introduction to what Blogging is, how to create one as well as manage it. 

3. Freelancing 

  Want to know what Freelancing is all about and how to get started, the Instructor in charge is in arms waiting for you to devour all your questions and puzzles and mysteries you have about Freelancing 

Meet the Instructors 

21st Century Skills Instructors

How to Join the Utopia Academy BootCamp 

   To join the BootCamp, 
Please pay the amount of #3,000 in the account details below :

Akinbinu Tolulope
 First Bank

and send confirmation to the whatsapp group below:

Contact: 08173488071 or 08130097879 for more details

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