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[ASUU Strike] - 7 Things You Can Do To Maximize Your Time During ASUU Strike

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The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has recently embarked on another academic strike. If there's anything that is ever constant in the Academic Calendar of Nigerian Universities, it is ASUU Strike which usually occurs during clashes with the Federal Government over Funding and among other things.

     This is not only frustrating but had also been discouraging a lot of students from pursuing academics. If you are one of the students who have been affected by the Industrial Action taken by ASUU, here are some 7 Things we recommend you should do

what students can do during ASUU Strike


    During the school academic period; there is usually little to no time to further read due to because there's always one lecture or practical to do. Students can however use this period of ASUU Strike to further read and cover the topics they have missed in their class.

👉 Browse and Download READING MATERIALS for your Department Here


     However, Reading shouldn't be limited to your normal conventional books (i mean formal education books). Students are advised to read books outside their academic field such as Self-Help or Business Books (for entrepreneur mind).

     In our next article on FutaNewsandGist; we will be sharing some books you should read during the Holiday (books outside academic). You can like our Facebook Page or subscribe via the box at the end of this article to know when the post is out.

2. LEARN New Skills

  If you want to stand out and survive in today's world, you'll need to have a skill. However, if you haven't; it is never too later to start learning one. You can try to learn Google Digital Skills if you want to know more about gaining a social presence to boost your business sales and social media marketing.
    And for those who have an interest in learning programming language; whether it is to build a Mobile App, to build a Software, to Build a Website or to learn about Artificial Intelligence + Data Science; you can start learning one.

Beginners' Guide: Programming Languages, What They Are and How To Start Learning Them


3. Implement What You've Already Learnt

  Sometimes it is not the fact that we haven't learned enough but that we haven't implemented what we have already learned. If you already have skills or knowledge of any kind, perhaps this is your chance to put it into action.

    For instance; if you are a mobile programmer, you can use this period to work on your prototype and code your android or iOS app. If you are also an entrepreneur with offline skills, you can use this period to create/build your products and let people know about them.

    Students from some departments can also form a group to build a solution using the knowledge they have been learning in the past times.

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4. Volunteer to Participate in Causes

  Most Non-Profit Governmental Organizations often participate in humanity cause to help uplift people and make them feel better. You can also look around your environment and participate in some NGOs causes.

     However, if you can't find one; you can also create one as long as it is for making the community a better place. It could be as helping the older people, keeping the community clean, teaching people what you know and etc.

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5. Travel

    Travelling not only help us learn more about other cultures and tribes but also we get to explore some wonderful places on earth. You can decide to travel for recreational purposes, for research purposes or for visitation purposes.

    Recreational Travel can be such as traveling to the Idanre Hill in Ondo State - or maybe some other places. Whether you choose a City or Village as your place of recreational Travel, it all boils down to your taste.

   Research Purposes can be in the case of a Student studying Ecotourism and Wildlife Management (EWM); you can decide to travel to another place for adventure to discover more exciting wild animals and their lifestyle.

While Travel for Visitation Purposes could be Travelling to visit your loved ones and spend time with them. Since Human beings are social animals, the closer we are to our loved ones, the better we feel.

6. Learn a New Language

  In a previous article we wrote on After the End of a Semester, Now What? || We talked about how Students can maximize the end of a semester break to do new things and one of those things is to learn a new language.

   Also during this ASUU Strike, you can pick up a new language and decide to learn it. Learning a Language has a lot of benefits which include access to more opportunities and increasing your IQ.

READ ALSO: 3 Lifetime Benefits of Learning a New Language


Finally at the end of this article; we will not forget to mention that REST is also more important. When preparing for a new semester; it is highly recommended Students should watch out for their Health and if they notice something is about to go wrong somewhere, they should quickly take action.

   Sometimes we focus too much on work so much that we neglect our health and this could take a big toll on us. During this ASUU Strike; you can use it to REST and take a break for all the stressful activities you have been going since school had resumed.

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