5 Quick Tips For Successful Preparation of FUTA Exams - FutaNewsandGist | Education Website

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As the examination D-day draw nearer and nearer; majority of students look forward in anxiousness whilst some look forward with excitement. Whichever category you belonged to; here are 5 quick tips we believe can help you better get prepared for exams.

1. Practise Old Exams and Test Questions

  One of the best ways (you shouldn't take for granted) to preparing for exams is reading practise past questions. This will help you gain an insights on how future exams are "likely" to be set. You can download some practise past questions from FutaNewsandGist website simply by searching for the one of your choice.
  Download FUTA Practise Past Questions on FutaNewsandGist

2. Give Yourself Enough Time to Study

  Trying to cover the work of a whole semester in less than 24 hours to Exam is just like trying to learn how to drive a car in a single day - without having have learnt it before. This is why it is extremely important for you to give yoursekf enough time to study so your brain can better assimilate whatever you read

3. Take Regular Breaks

  All Play and no Work makes Jack to be a dull boy but at the same time; also All Work and no Play can also makes Jack to be a Dull Boy. While it is extremely important for you to focus on books at this moment, it is also important for you to take a nap if needed.

      Remember; your Health is the utmost important and you wouldn't want to BREAK-DOWN or collapse in the exam Hall.
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 4. Study Groups can be Very Helpful

While some people find it pretty helpful to study alone; some find it more enjoyable studying with a group of friends. Irregardless of the category you belonged to; you can also take some time to read together with a group of friends once in a while.
    With thise; you'll be able to learn from someone else too just as someone else will learn from you.

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5. Share with others, What You Know

If you feel you have an upper advantage on a particular subject; you can also teach others too. Doing so will be some sort of repetition to you and thus will enable you master that course you are teaching someone else.

5 Quick Tips For Successful Preparation of FUTA Exams

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As the examination D-day draw nearer and nearer; majority of students look forward in anxiousness whilst some look forward with excitement. Whichever category you belonged to; here are 5 quick tips we believe can help you better get prepared for exams.

1. Practise Old Exams and Test Questions

  One of the best ways (you shouldn't take for granted) to preparing for exams is reading practise past questions. This will help you gain an insights on how future exams are "likely" to be set. You can download some practise past questions from FutaNewsandGist website simply by searching for the one of your choice.
  Download FUTA Practise Past Questions on FutaNewsandGist

2. Give Yourself Enough Time to Study

  Trying to cover the work of a whole semester in less than 24 hours to Exam is just like trying to learn how to drive a car in a single day - without having have learnt it before. This is why it is extremely important for you to give yoursekf enough time to study so your brain can better assimilate whatever you read

3. Take Regular Breaks

  All Play and no Work makes Jack to be a dull boy but at the same time; also All Work and no Play can also makes Jack to be a Dull Boy. While it is extremely important for you to focus on books at this moment, it is also important for you to take a nap if needed.

      Remember; your Health is the utmost important and you wouldn't want to BREAK-DOWN or collapse in the exam Hall.
Very Interesting KeyNotes from the World Mental Health Day 2019

 4. Study Groups can be Very Helpful

While some people find it pretty helpful to study alone; some find it more enjoyable studying with a group of friends. Irregardless of the category you belonged to; you can also take some time to read together with a group of friends once in a while.
    With thise; you'll be able to learn from someone else too just as someone else will learn from you.

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5. Share with others, What You Know

If you feel you have an upper advantage on a particular subject; you can also teach others too. Doing so will be some sort of repetition to you and thus will enable you master that course you are teaching someone else.

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