Futa Students Protest About The Killing of Fellow Colleague by Vehicle - FutaNewsandGist | Education Website

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Following the killing of a Futarian who was killed by an hit and run vehicle; FUTA students came out in mass protesting to complain about the reckless driving of hit and run vehicles..

Futa students protest

The students made the peaceful protest barricade the busy Akure - Ilesa road and thus causing heavy traffic 🚥

  This led to the intervention of higher authorities in which immediate steps were taken to ensure safety on the road by putting in place more Speed breaks ⛍ on the busy road. 

Futa Students Protest About The Killing of Fellow Colleague by Vehicle

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Following the killing of a Futarian who was killed by an hit and run vehicle; FUTA students came out in mass protesting to complain about the reckless driving of hit and run vehicles..

Futa students protest

The students made the peaceful protest barricade the busy Akure - Ilesa road and thus causing heavy traffic 🚥

  This led to the intervention of higher authorities in which immediate steps were taken to ensure safety on the road by putting in place more Speed breaks ⛍ on the busy road. 

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