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A Brief History of FUTA

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Federal University of Technology, Akure is a top ranking university of technology in Nigeria. Founded in 1981 with the mission of producing graduates who would be sound in practical as well as theoretical knowledge of technologies, the school is located in Akure which is the capital city of Ondo State.

FUTA is said to rank as the 9th best university as of 2018 and currently has Seven Schools which are the;

 1. School of Science [SOS]
2. School of Earth and Mineral Sciences [SEMS]
3.School of Agricultural and Agricultural Technology [SAAT]
4. School of Management Technology [SMAT]
5. School of Engineering and Engineering Technology [SEET]
6. School of Health and Health Technology [SHHT]
7. School of Environmental Technology [SET]

According to the official statement on the Federal University of Technology, Akure FUTA's website, the school mission is to promote technological advancement. You can learn more about FUTA at


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