COVID-19 and Education: An Important NOTE To All Nigerian Students - FutaNewsandGist | Education Website

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On the 20th of March 2020, the Federal University of Technology, Akure among all other higher institutions "ceased all Academic Activities in the school" FOLLOWING the ORDER by the Federal Government on closure of schools nationwide to curb the coronavirus spread.

      - Although prior to the COVID-19 pandemic virus, the Nigerian education sector had been quite unstable due to ASUU STRIKE

  Amidst all of these unstability; you might want to panic as a Student feeling unsure of what the Future will bring. In this article; we decided to take a look at the impact in Education and what students should do NEXT.

Covid-19 and Education -

Covid-19 News: The Reality

 The reality is the "Educational Sector" is NOT going to be the Same, at least for the next few months as long as the Coronavirus Pandemic Virus is still on rampage. 

   Some institutions in developed countries had though been responding to this disruption of Education by taking classes online - even though they (developed countries) had some challenges too based on this sudden heavy reliance on e-learning platform.

   Some of the Struggles and Disadvantages of Online Learning for developed countries is missing out the fun associated with physical learning and for developing countries - the instruments and access to internet is not feasible. 

COVID-19 and Education: What NEXT?

Despite the Challenges, there has been several response to the disruption of Education globally - you can find the "UNESCO COVID-19 Education Disruption and Response" via this link, Ondo State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB) commencing online radio lessons for pupils (Source: Punch.Ng), and FREE elearning Classes online launched by FG for all students (Source: PremiumTimes).

  As a Student in Higher Institution, Where Should You Begin From?

 You should begin by improvising yourself - both in terms of formal and self-education since physical classroom is out of it.

Where to start from -

    However if you are someone who's not used to online learning, you might find yourself overwhelmed with the resources out there (as there are LOTS of e-learning RESOURCES) so much that - you might NOT know where to start from. 
    But do NOT worry; in our subsequent articles here on FNG, we'll be sharing useful resources to make the most of your stay at home. 

You can stay updated by Liking our Facebook page or follow us on Twitter 

P.S:    For now, the most important thing is to #STAYSAFE and avoid contacting the virus. See you next time ;)

COVID-19 and Education: An Important NOTE To All Nigerian Students

FutaNewsandGist Latest Podcast

On the 20th of March 2020, the Federal University of Technology, Akure among all other higher institutions "ceased all Academic Activities in the school" FOLLOWING the ORDER by the Federal Government on closure of schools nationwide to curb the coronavirus spread.

      - Although prior to the COVID-19 pandemic virus, the Nigerian education sector had been quite unstable due to ASUU STRIKE

  Amidst all of these unstability; you might want to panic as a Student feeling unsure of what the Future will bring. In this article; we decided to take a look at the impact in Education and what students should do NEXT.

Covid-19 and Education -

Covid-19 News: The Reality

 The reality is the "Educational Sector" is NOT going to be the Same, at least for the next few months as long as the Coronavirus Pandemic Virus is still on rampage. 

   Some institutions in developed countries had though been responding to this disruption of Education by taking classes online - even though they (developed countries) had some challenges too based on this sudden heavy reliance on e-learning platform.

   Some of the Struggles and Disadvantages of Online Learning for developed countries is missing out the fun associated with physical learning and for developing countries - the instruments and access to internet is not feasible. 

COVID-19 and Education: What NEXT?

Despite the Challenges, there has been several response to the disruption of Education globally - you can find the "UNESCO COVID-19 Education Disruption and Response" via this link, Ondo State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB) commencing online radio lessons for pupils (Source: Punch.Ng), and FREE elearning Classes online launched by FG for all students (Source: PremiumTimes).

  As a Student in Higher Institution, Where Should You Begin From?

 You should begin by improvising yourself - both in terms of formal and self-education since physical classroom is out of it.

Where to start from -

    However if you are someone who's not used to online learning, you might find yourself overwhelmed with the resources out there (as there are LOTS of e-learning RESOURCES) so much that - you might NOT know where to start from. 
    But do NOT worry; in our subsequent articles here on FNG, we'll be sharing useful resources to make the most of your stay at home. 

You can stay updated by Liking our Facebook page or follow us on Twitter 

P.S:    For now, the most important thing is to #STAYSAFE and avoid contacting the virus. See you next time ;)

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