#MondayMotivation - "Hope For The Best, but Prepare for the Worse" by Tuham - FutaNewsandGist | Education Website

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Students look forward to having great results from their exams, Business owners look forward to having profits from their products/services, - everyone has one or two things they are looking forward to.

   But while it is okay to hope for something, it is also best to prepare for the unforeseen. You might wonder ; What does this mean?  👇

We'll, to Hope for something good and be prepared for the unforeseen actually allows you to have a PLAN B in case your PLAN A doesn't work out.

   Taking for instance ; as a FUTA Undergraduate Student or a FUTA Aspirants; you SHOULD NOT only HOPE but also be prepared to work hard for it.

  A TYPICAL TRUE CASE STUDY IS 👉 Now that exams are fast approaching, most Students will be hoping to have great results but only the ones that truly prepare for it will have the upper advantages. 👌

"... You must Hope for the best, but Prepare for the Worse" - Tuham

Read also : Collection of Monday Motivational Quotes by Sir D

#MondayMotivation - "Hope For The Best, but Prepare for the Worse" by Tuham

FutaNewsandGist Latest Podcast

Students look forward to having great results from their exams, Business owners look forward to having profits from their products/services, - everyone has one or two things they are looking forward to.

   But while it is okay to hope for something, it is also best to prepare for the unforeseen. You might wonder ; What does this mean?  👇

We'll, to Hope for something good and be prepared for the unforeseen actually allows you to have a PLAN B in case your PLAN A doesn't work out.

   Taking for instance ; as a FUTA Undergraduate Student or a FUTA Aspirants; you SHOULD NOT only HOPE but also be prepared to work hard for it.

  A TYPICAL TRUE CASE STUDY IS 👉 Now that exams are fast approaching, most Students will be hoping to have great results but only the ones that truly prepare for it will have the upper advantages. 👌

"... You must Hope for the best, but Prepare for the Worse" - Tuham

Read also : Collection of Monday Motivational Quotes by Sir D

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