Lodge4Me Now Makes It Easier For All FUTA Students To Easily Get Accomodation - FutaNewsandGist | Education Website

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Do you know there's now a more faster, easier way and cheaper way to seek accomodation within FUTA environs without going through more hassle? If you are not offered FUTA Hostel Accomodation, you can trust Lodge4Me for securing accomodation

futa accomodation search

About Lodge4Me

  Lodge4me is a company that bridges the gap between undergraduate student who seek accommodation off-campus and the house owner. More importantly; Lodge4me also helps you search for suitable accommodation base on your preferred location, budget, proximity to campus, and other factors you might want to consider.

- Lodge4Me Niche

Lodge4me as a service company deals only with students;  and houses within 300m radius around school campus.

- Lodge4Me Core Values

Lodge4me is more than a service company that help you search for accommodation, although that's what we do, and do best.
  Our core value is the premium we place on ideas, and those who carries them.

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- Value Proposition

Lodge4me propose 3 great values to its customers, which are:

1. Quick service delivery. We are swift to satisfy your need.
2. UnParallel customer service. We make sure you're well attend to.
3. Free of charge registration and usage.

getting accomodation in college

- Lodge4Me Mode of Operation

Lodge4me offers two main Service to students, which are;

1. Accommodation search(AS) -  With this, they take your request and match it with suitable hostel of your taste
2. Room Mate Service(RMS) - This service help to match room-mate(s) of same interests and likes.

    Also, you can consult Lodge4me for sound accommodation advice.

Contact Lodge4Me

You can contact Lodge4Me via their social media platform:

 Facebook Page (@lodge4me)
 Instagram (@lodge4me)
 Send a Message to Lodge4Me via WhatsApp

How To Request for available Accomodation from Lodge4Me via SMS Option

You can also access  LODGE4ME via SMS
Simply text your name, region of choice (North gate, South gate, or West gate),  house type, amount range., and send it to 09012201070

E.g.Oluwole, South gate, Single room,  35k-40kTunde, north gate, Self-con, 80k

And almost  immediately, available lodges in the region with the amount range will be sent to you ASAP to chose from: Like below;

e.g.1. Kizzle Lodge, 20min away from North gate, 35k2. Domino lodge, 8min away from south gate

Lodge4Me Now Makes It Easier For All FUTA Students To Easily Get Accomodation

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Do you know there's now a more faster, easier way and cheaper way to seek accomodation within FUTA environs without going through more hassle? If you are not offered FUTA Hostel Accomodation, you can trust Lodge4Me for securing accomodation

futa accomodation search

About Lodge4Me

  Lodge4me is a company that bridges the gap between undergraduate student who seek accommodation off-campus and the house owner. More importantly; Lodge4me also helps you search for suitable accommodation base on your preferred location, budget, proximity to campus, and other factors you might want to consider.

- Lodge4Me Niche

Lodge4me as a service company deals only with students;  and houses within 300m radius around school campus.

- Lodge4Me Core Values

Lodge4me is more than a service company that help you search for accommodation, although that's what we do, and do best.
  Our core value is the premium we place on ideas, and those who carries them.

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- Value Proposition

Lodge4me propose 3 great values to its customers, which are:

1. Quick service delivery. We are swift to satisfy your need.
2. UnParallel customer service. We make sure you're well attend to.
3. Free of charge registration and usage.

getting accomodation in college

- Lodge4Me Mode of Operation

Lodge4me offers two main Service to students, which are;

1. Accommodation search(AS) -  With this, they take your request and match it with suitable hostel of your taste
2. Room Mate Service(RMS) - This service help to match room-mate(s) of same interests and likes.

    Also, you can consult Lodge4me for sound accommodation advice.

Contact Lodge4Me

You can contact Lodge4Me via their social media platform:

 Facebook Page (@lodge4me)
 Instagram (@lodge4me)
 Send a Message to Lodge4Me via WhatsApp

How To Request for available Accomodation from Lodge4Me via SMS Option

You can also access  LODGE4ME via SMS
Simply text your name, region of choice (North gate, South gate, or West gate),  house type, amount range., and send it to 09012201070

E.g.Oluwole, South gate, Single room,  35k-40kTunde, north gate, Self-con, 80k

And almost  immediately, available lodges in the region with the amount range will be sent to you ASAP to chose from: Like below;

e.g.1. Kizzle Lodge, 20min away from North gate, 35k2. Domino lodge, 8min away from south gate

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