#ThisIsOurFUTA Trending On Twitter With Funny Memes - FutaNewsandGist | Education Website

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During the one week vacation for the 2017/2018 first semester break, Students from FUTA took to twitter to share hilarious tweets about FUTA using Memes.

  Below are some tweets. See after the cut;


CRC and CBE Exam

Check More Funny #ThisIsOurFUTA Here

#ThisIsOurFUTA Trending On Twitter With Funny Memes

FutaNewsandGist Latest Podcast

During the one week vacation for the 2017/2018 first semester break, Students from FUTA took to twitter to share hilarious tweets about FUTA using Memes.

  Below are some tweets. See after the cut;


CRC and CBE Exam

Check More Funny #ThisIsOurFUTA Here

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